Testimonials from Students


Real Kids, Real Quotes, Real Comments


Check out what the students are saying about the Champions For Tomorrow speakers & programs.


Cutting doesn't mean what it once did!

Student Testimonial - Cutting

Student Comments
Student Comments
Student Comments
  • "I remember your speech from last year. And from then I’ve been doing real good. Now my life I once had is no longer here, it’s different from the boy speech to everything and I just want to thank you for changing that for me."

  • "I’m more than lost, I am stuck, I can’t go on and don’t know what to do. I need help PLEASE—I do drugs."

  • "This is the second time that I have seen you..and just wanted to say that you’ve made a BIG impact in my life!!"

  • "I had a drug party yesterday. But I am done with that. Thanks a lot!"

  • "my father had abused me in the past, he was a police officer …today there is still mental abuse going on and it’s been effecting me. Today your speech has touched me and as of today I am going to start looking up and not down."

  • "I'm more than lost, I am stuck, I can’t go on and don't know what to do. I need help PLEASE—I do drugs.

  • "Well my life has been very hard and I have tried to kill myself. But now that I heard what you have to say I have decided that life is worth living. 'I AM' a very special person! Thank you for coming."

  • "For the last five years I have let guys do what they wanted with me, after today I have chosen not to do that anymore because I am more valuable than that."

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  • Send your contribution check to:
  • Hope Chapel Attn: CFT North
  • 980 Hopper Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95403
  • Specify “CFT North” on the memo line.

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CFT North

*Please note that your yearly tax deductible donation receipt will be sent out in January, by Hope Chapel, specifying that your donation was purposed for Champions For Tomorrow.